Monday, September 28, 2009

Windows XP Running Slow - How to Fix This and Make Your Computer Run Faster Than Ever

If you are like many people who are finding their Windows XP is running slow, you probably already tried the old "rebooting" trick or shutting down your computer to restart it to make it go faster. This will only fix it temporarily and soon you will find your computer will be back to crawling speed.

Here are some steps that you can take, even if you are not a computer technician.

#1 Run windows update first. This will let you know whether your computer has the latest updates for your operating system. This is important before you continue on to the next step.

#2 Delete any programs that you are no longer will be using. Windows XP continues to use memory even though you are not using them, making your computer slow right down.

Programs do use up memory, even if they are not being used. After a while you will experience virtual memory errors telling you that you do not have enough memory, as well as other errors that you will not be able to decipher. Ignoring these errors only can lead to more problems.

#3 Run your Windows XP defragmenting software. This will rearrange your files and programs in order. It is like reading a book. You do not skip from one page to another to read the next word in a sentence. The defragmenter fixes this. It will rearrange the folders and files for your programs so that they can be ready and accessed easily.

#4 Run a free windows registry scan. When you do this you will be able to find corrupt entries in your registry. Any damaged or corrupt entries will cause Windows XP to start running slow and eventually to stop working. All this can be repaired with one click of the mouse and you do not need a technician to fix this.



If you have a slow windows computer here is the best solution for Windows XP running slow this will make your computer run faster, just click here Article Source:


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Make My Computer Faster! - Discover How To Easily SPEED UP & Optimize Your Computer In Just SECONDS!

I have good news! It's not as difficult as you may think it is to make your computer faster. As a matter of fact, it is very easy to do and will only require just under 1 hour to achieve. So, take a quick 2 minutes out of your day to read on and discover the top online software to fix Windows registry and boost your computer's speed instantly!

You see, a PC places bits and pieces of everything it is you do with you computer, rather it be downloading, uploading, installing, etc. into one location. That location just so happens to be the registry.

The problem is that if your registry increases too much in size and/or it gets infected with worms or other harmful issues, this will cause all sorts of problems. Everything from your computer running slow, freezing, crashing, or even damaged beyond repair!

There's a couple of things you can do to make your computer faster. I recommend for you to remove any software programs you do not need, to defragment your hard drive, and to get your registry repaired. Getting rid of software you don't need and defragmenting will give you a little boost in performance but not enough to fully repair it. The next approach to get FULL optimization is to fix the registry.

WARNING: If you do not want to end up having to take your computer to a repair shop or even have to buy a brand new computer, then PLEASE, DO NOT attempt to fix the registry on your own! You can end up removing an important file which will severely damage your PC!

Now, the best online registry repair software I've discovered to make a computer faster and to quickly, easily, & SAFELY fix the registry is the RegGenie registry repair tool. I had over 5,000 errors with my laptop that I had instantly repaired with this online software tool. There's a free scanning tool you can download to check what problems you are having with your computer.

So, if you are tired of being frustrated and would like to "make your computer faster" instantly, then I recommend you download the FREE RegGenie scanner and cleaning tool today!


HELP, My Computer Is Running Slow! See How I Repaired The Registry & TRIPLED The Speed Of My Laptop!

Have you tried many different things to get your computer from running slow but you still sit here frustrated with a slow running PC? Take a couple of minutes out of your day to read this article and discover what you need to do to fix your registry and get your computer running lightning fast!

Okay, now the first thing you need to do is breathe! I know exactly how annoying and frustrating it can be having a computer that is running slow, showing errors, or even be plagued with viruses, worms, spyware, and more!

Now, there are many different things that could affect your computer and cause it to run slow. The most common reason is that your computers registry needs to be cleaned. Had I known that in the beginning, I wouldn't have went out and spent a fortune on software I didn't need to try and speed up my computer. I also wouldn't have wasted so much time trying to act like a super computer genius and try to fix my computer myself.....and then ended up making my computer EVEN WORSE! LOL!

I discovered I needed my registry cleaned once I found out about a popular registry cleaner called the RegGenie. The RegGenie software provides you with a free scanner that will look through your PC and see what problems are wrong with your computer....and then fix them instantly.

After I downloaded the free scanner, I discovered I had 5,631 problems (including 3 worms and 1,045 registry problems)! I know....shocking!

Well, after the scanner went through my laptop and found these problems, I clicked the "Repair All" option and that was that. My laptop is now running much more faster and cleaner!

So, if you want to get your computer from running slow and speed up your computer instantly, then I highly recommend for you to download the FREE scanner from RegGenie today!


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Slow Computer Fix - How to Eliminate Windows Errors and Make Your Computer Run Faster!

Has your computer become slower over time? Is it doing strange things like restarting itself, crashing and reporting errors? These errors can be frustrating but you can get a slow computer fix and speed your computer up quickly.

90% of these errors can be traced back to the windows registry. This is what causes those mysterious errors. The registry files are the heart of your operating system, keeping track of removed and installed programs, updates and settings and multiple pieces of your computer system. Without it windows will not work and you most certainly will need a slow computer fix!

Why do these errors occur? Because every time you install a program into your computer, the registry adds an entry and it is embedded into your windows registry. The more programs you have, the more work your computer has to do searching through programs, even if they are no longer installed in your system. That can cause a significant slow down to your computer.

To eliminate these errors and get yourself a slow computer fix, you need to run a free registry scan. This will find any errors in your registry files. You will find many the first time that you scan your computer.

By running a scan, you will be able to fix all errors in your registry as well as fix or delete any entries that are no longer being used. Another benefit of scanning for errors is that the program will compress your registry files and that should make your computer run even faster.

This can be done automatically and will find everything that is causing your PC to need a slow computer fix. You can then fix all these errors automatically and in just a few minutes.


If you have a slow computer here is the #1 solution for a Slow Computer fix this is guaranteed to make your computer run faster, just click here.

Article Source: rel='nofollow' rel='nofollow'


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Computer Running Slow? See How I Fixed Windows XP Registry & Got My PC Running Like New!

If you are having problems with your computer running slow, then don't are NOT alone! Take a quick 60 seconds out of your day... (before your computer crashes again... lol) ...and learn more about how I fixed the Windows XP registry of my 5 year old laptop and got it running like brand new!

So, there I was, browsing around eBay getting rid to bid on a cool new video camera, and then right out of nowhere my computer freezes just before I placed my bid! I was originally having many problems with my PC before this incident, but that incident is what caused me to finally take action and fix my computer! I was so pissed since that camera was on sale!!!

What I soon found out about why my computer was running slow was due to either having viruses, Trojans, too many programs installed, and/or having many Windows XP registry errors. Guess what? I found a free online registry scanner called "Registry Easy" to check my laptop and I ended up having over 5,000 problems!

This is what I did to help repair my slow computer:

1. I removed unwanted software programs that I wasn't using no longer. This helped a little.

2. I defragmented my hard drive. You can do this by clicking Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Defragment

Now, those two steps above was not enough to get my computer from running slow. I then went back to the registry scanner that I downloaded and clicked on the "Repair" button. The registry cleaner completely repaired all 5,000 Windows XP registry error problems I had wrong with my laptop in a few short minutes!

Too bad I didn't know about this registry cleaner BEFORE I tried to bid on that eBay product... I ended up losing that auction since my computer!

So, if you are tired of your "computer running slow" like how I was, then I highly recommend for you to download the most effective and award winning registry cleaner...the "Registry Easy" repair software, so you can get your registry cleaned SAFELY and THOROUGHLY for a much more optimized PC in just a few short minutes from now!

Click to download the FREE scanner from Registry Easy, and get your computer optimized today!

computer running slow
