Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Computer Running Slow? See How I Fixed Windows XP Registry & Got My PC Running Like New!

If you are having problems with your computer running slow, then don't are NOT alone! Take a quick 60 seconds out of your day... (before your computer crashes again... lol) ...and learn more about how I fixed the Windows XP registry of my 5 year old laptop and got it running like brand new!

So, there I was, browsing around eBay getting rid to bid on a cool new video camera, and then right out of nowhere my computer freezes just before I placed my bid! I was originally having many problems with my PC before this incident, but that incident is what caused me to finally take action and fix my computer! I was so pissed since that camera was on sale!!!

What I soon found out about why my computer was running slow was due to either having viruses, Trojans, too many programs installed, and/or having many Windows XP registry errors. Guess what? I found a free online registry scanner called "Registry Easy" to check my laptop and I ended up having over 5,000 problems!

This is what I did to help repair my slow computer:

1. I removed unwanted software programs that I wasn't using no longer. This helped a little.

2. I defragmented my hard drive. You can do this by clicking Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Defragment

Now, those two steps above was not enough to get my computer from running slow. I then went back to the registry scanner that I downloaded and clicked on the "Repair" button. The registry cleaner completely repaired all 5,000 Windows XP registry error problems I had wrong with my laptop in a few short minutes!

Too bad I didn't know about this registry cleaner BEFORE I tried to bid on that eBay product... I ended up losing that auction since my computer!

So, if you are tired of your "computer running slow" like how I was, then I highly recommend for you to download the most effective and award winning registry cleaner...the "Registry Easy" repair software, so you can get your registry cleaned SAFELY and THOROUGHLY for a much more optimized PC in just a few short minutes from now!

Click to download the FREE scanner from Registry Easy, and get your computer optimized today!

computer running slow



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