Friday, October 16, 2009

The Best Registry Cleaner For Vista & Windows 7

With Vista & Windows 7 being the two latest versions of Windows, it's important that you can keep them running smoothly and reliably. However, they both run with a part of your system called the "registry", which causes all sorts of problems, from making your computer run slow to giving it errors. To fix it, you need a registry cleaner, but which one is the best for these two versions of Windows?

Although there are a few registry cleaner tools on the market, very few work with Vista & Windows 7. You see, all registry cleaners have been designed to clean out a part of your system called the "registry". This is a big database which stores all sorts of settings and options for Windows, and is an extremely important part of your system. Unfortunately, the registry is being used so much that it's constantly getting corrupted, which makes Windows struggle to read its contents, slowing it down.

This is a big problem which affects Windows Vista & Windows 7... and registry cleaners have been created to fix it. However, most registry cleaners do not work on these latest versions of Windows because the cleaners are not powerful enough. When registry cleaners scan through the registry, they identify all the corrupt parts of it and clean them out individually. And unfortunately, this means that many registry cleaners see the "new features" of the Vista & 7 registries as problems, making them try and remove them. This causes havoc with your PC, which can lead to permanent damage.

Luckily, there are a few registry cleaner tools which work well on these operating systems. These are typically produced by professional companies, who have the time and skills to make their software able to cope with the latest registry problems.... and having tested all the most popular ones, we've found that a tool called "RegAce" works the best on Vista & Windows 7. RegAce is one of the latest registry cleaners, but because it's so new, it's been designed to work with all the latest versions of Windows. It has several advanced features, which allow it to find and fix the most problems on your PC, as well as making the cleaner extremely popular.




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